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Shurson Encourages Rethinking Regulations on Food Waste as Animal Feed

Real Pork Trust Consortium

Dr. Gerald Shurson helps address climate and One Health issues within the pork industry through peer-reviewed research
Dr. Shurson has joined the Climate Smart Feed Management Committee of the National Animal Nutrition Program.

The Climate Smart Feed Management Committee, supported by the National Animal Nutrition Program, will be addressing the challenges of climate-smart feed management in animal nutrition systems.


Dr. Gerald "Jerry" Shurson, professor in the University of Minnesota Department of Animal Science and RPTC environmental sustainability and One Health expert, has been selected to serve on this committee that will conduct impactful work in animal nutrition. 


The Committee’s paper titled “Rules are meant to be broken – Rethinking the regulations on the use of food waste as animal feed” was published in Resources, Conservation, and Recycling. The article tackles the idea of feeding food waste to pigs to promote sustainability and recycling in pork production while eliminating food waste. The article was also selected for a live webinar presentation that took place on April 11th, and the paper was introduced by Dr. Shurson.


Dr. Shurson’s impactful work with using human food waste as feed for pigs is providing consumers with insights on sustainability within the pork industry. Consumers may have concerns about food waste and sustainability in the food chain, and this paper provides solutions for huge issues facing the world today, including food waste and sustainability in agriculture. Using science to prove recycling is possible in our food system is promising for the future of food waste and showcasing that pigs can be effective recyclers!

Learn more about the sustainability and recycling research related to pork products and pork production, visit the Caring for the Planet section of our site.

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